Floating worlds
Wet Diary 

In the moving beds of Japanese rivers,
an exploration of the concept of “floating worlds”

Designers Céline Pelcé (FR) and Aliki van der Kruijs (NL) are currently researching the water ways in Japan during a traveling residency. They aim to use textiles, food and words as a medium to support interactive local encounters and explore ways to behave like water, embracing movement and flexibility towards contemporary issues. 

Expanding the research and using different tools, a series of encounters with locals, creatives, farmers, botanists and natural resources create a moment around the idea of water as a metaphorical foundation.

By working together with the locals, Aliki and Céline grow a sensorial archive of experiences to explore a multitude of relationship with water. This website functions as a subjective diary to share these encounters.

Ukiha, Fukuoka prefect    

Fire cracking
Bamboo collapsing
We came with the storm

Fire cracking
Cracking by looking
Sweet sounds

Is the water there deeper and thicker?

A sound of rain
Families of scents and ears
Silence for more noise 

Water oracle 
— a river can stream out
Keep listening to the silence 

Inventing water in a magical site
Responses to a river full of tones

Picked up from the river to extract pigments
Do you think the river is happy? 
The reply

Branches to paint, leaves of all kinds, crabs.
Being more patterns then static matter.

Fire cracking
Bamboo collapsing
We came with the storm

Fire cracking
Cracking by looking
Sweet sounds

Is the water there deeper and thicker?

A sound of rain
Families of scents and ears
Silence for more noise 

Water oracle 
— a river can stream out
Keep listening to the silence 

Inventing water in a magical site
Responses to a river full of tones

Picked up from the river to extract pigments
Do you think the river is happy? 
The reply

Branches to paint, leaves of all kinds, crabs.
Being more patterns then static matter.

    Salt tides
    Salt seeds
    Salt that tastes soft
    Salt as a mosaic of volumes
    Salt related to place
    Salt knows the place

    What makes it better is not written
    Not stated on the back of the producer

    Amount of water
    Temperature humidity
    The hearth and the feeling - spirituality of the makers

    Dry water taste good, wet water tastes bad

    Water     of summer
                of autumn
            of winter
       of spring

    The circulation from the roots in the mountains 
    springing in the tides. Clear cold water sprouts from the sandbedding. Opening the textures with veins. 

    Salt floating in between
    Salt harvested in the rich ecosystme of this complex
    Salt for a healthy being
    Salt depending on the woods
    Salt waits for the next sun spell

    Ribbles with sweet waters

      Salt (as) complex
      Salt floating in between
      Salt for a healthy body
      Salt 3/6 times more concentrated
      Salt depends on the weather
      Salt waits for the next sun spell
      Salt water pumped at full moon
      Salt of summer
             of autumn
             of winter
             of spring
      Salt tides
      Salt seeds
      Salt that tastes soft
      Salt as a mosaic of volumes
      Salt related to place
      Salt knows the place
      Salt and the momentum
      Salt and the time
      Salt making networks
      Salt transferring ecology
      Salt drums
      Salt maintains a stillness
      Salt mineralu
      Salt combinata

      Come as the way, come for the way
      Mizu people
      Hands of water
      Reality is like a dream

      You shouldn’t think too much about the rules, otherwise you’ll miss the air

      The water is saturated in the blood
      internalized, not an object, it’s in you.

      Put the cut herbs clockwise in a bowl, with a slice of turnip in the back (the moon) and a slice of radish in the front (the sun).
      You’re now an adult.

      Genta 8824
      in the field of stars

      Wheat grain contains 13% water. 
      Noodle also contains 13% of water.
      Some water gets in, some water dries out, humidity stays the same.

      Eating noodles is like eating water. Fluid as a river streaming down the throat, noodle revolution is starting. 

      Salt, wheat and water.
      Salt, magnesium, and soy beans
      Salt in the water of our body.

      In the clay
      In the air, coming from the rivers of China
      Bringing odd numbers into a too regular structure.

      First reeds sprouts
      The earth trembled and water became black. As the underground was talking, expressing years and decades of stirring, of mixing; what circulated in clear channels before, parallel, all of a sudden met, chaos. The channel diameter probably changed. Millions of micro organisms became free in a bath, spreading all over the place, darkening the water and the skin, embedded in all the cracks, veins, pores, fibers. 

      Last frost, rice seedlings grow

      A Full moon rises, and the tides are now very high and very low.

      Imai draws its salt from the tides of full and new moons. Bigger tides, more movement: more minerals and nutrients. Imai keeps an eye on the sea. After Fukushima, he thought his salt production was finished. He began to observe the sea, the beach, the plants, the sky, every day. Every day, scrutinizing a changing detail, a sign of disturbance, pollution or toxicity. Water from Fukushima was released into the sea earlier this year. Still no anomaly in sight. One day he'll have to stop, when the state of the marine ecosystem is too critical. But for now, he takes his notes, he watches, he observes, he harvests water, evaporates it, collects its salt. 

      A river is like blood in veins. If you stop its movement, it you lower their circulation, it’s not alive anymore.

      Come as the way, come for the way
      Mizu people
      Hands of water
      Reality is like a dream

      You shouldn’t think too much about the rules, otherwise you’ll miss the air

      The water is saturated in the blood
      internalized, not an object, it’s in you.

      Put the cut herbs clockwise in a bowl, with a slice of turnip in the back (the moon) and a slice of radish in the front (the sun).
      You’re now an adult.

      Genta 8824
      in the field of stars

      Wheat grain contains 13% water. 
      Noodle also contains 13% of water.
      Some water gets in, some water dries out, humidity stays the same.

      Eating noodles is like eating water. Fluid as a river streaming down the throat, noodle revolution is starting. 

      Salt, wheat and water.
      Salt, magnesium, and soy beans
      Salt in the water of our body.

      In the clay
      In the air, coming from the rivers of China
      Bringing odd numbers into a too regular structure.

      First reeds sprouts
      The earth trembled and water became black. As the underground was talking, expressing years and decades of stirring, of mixing; what circulated in clear channels before, parallel, all of a sudden met, chaos. The channel diameter probably changed. Millions of micro organisms became free in a bath, spreading all over the place, darkening the water and the skin, embedded in all the cracks, veins, pores, fibers. 

      Last frost, rice seedlings grow

      A Full moon rises, and the tides are now very high and very low.

      Imai draws its salt from the tides of full and new moons. Bigger tides, more movement: more minerals and nutrients. Imai keeps an eye on the sea. After Fukushima, he thought his salt production was finished. He began to observe the sea, the beach, the plants, the sky, every day. Every day, scrutinizing a changing detail, a sign of disturbance, pollution or toxicity. Water from Fukushima was released into the sea earlier this year. Still no anomaly in sight. One day he'll have to stop, when the state of the marine ecosystem is too critical. But for now, he takes his notes, he watches, he observes, he harvests water, evaporates it, collects its salt. 

      A river is like blood in veins. If you stop its movement, it you lower their circulation, it’s not alive anymore.

      Come as the way, come for the way
      Mizu people
      Hands of water
      Reality is like a dream

      You shouldn’t think too much about the rules, otherwise you’ll miss the air

      The water is saturated in the blood
      internalized, not an object, it’s in you.

      Put the cut herbs clockwise in a bowl, with a slice of turnip in the back (the moon) and a slice of radish in the front (the sun).
      You’re now an adult.

      Genta 8824
      in the field of stars

      Wheat grain contains 13% water. 
      Noodle also contains 13% of water.
      Some water gets in, some water dries out, humidity stays the same.

      Eating noodles is like eating water. Fluid as a river streaming down the throat, noodle revolution is starting. 

      Salt, wheat and water.
      Salt, magnesium, and soy beans
      Salt in the water of our body.

      In the clay
      In the air, coming from the rivers of China
      Bringing odd numbers into a too regular structure.

      First reeds sprouts
      The earth trembled and water became black. As the underground was talking, expressing years and decades of stirring, of mixing; what circulated in clear channels before, parallel, all of a sudden met, chaos. The channel diameter probably changed. Millions of micro organisms became free in a bath, spreading all over the place, darkening the water and the skin, embedded in all the cracks, veins, pores, fibers. 

      Last frost, rice seedlings grow

      A Full moon rises, and the tides are now very high and very low.

      Imai draws its salt from the tides of full and new moons. Bigger tides, more movement: more minerals and nutrients. Imai keeps an eye on the sea. After Fukushima, he thought his salt production was finished. He began to observe the sea, the beach, the plants, the sky, every day. Every day, scrutinizing a changing detail, a sign of disturbance, pollution or toxicity. Water from Fukushima was released into the sea earlier this year. Still no anomaly in sight. One day he'll have to stop, when the state of the marine ecosystem is too critical. But for now, he takes his notes, he watches, he observes, he harvests water, evaporates it, collects its salt.

      Come as the way, come for the way
      Mizu people
      Hands of water
      Reality is like a dream

      You shouldn’t think too much about the rules, otherwise you’ll miss the air

      The water is saturated in the blood
      internalized, not an object, it’s in you.

      Put the cut herbs clockwise in a bowl, with a slice of turnip in the back (the moon) and a slice of radish in the front (the sun).
      You’re now an adult.

      First rainbow

      Genta 8824
      in the field of stars

      Wheat grain contains 13% water. 
      Noodle also contains 13% of water.
      Some water gets in, some water dries out, humidity stays the same.

      Eating noodles is like eating water. Fluid as a river streaming down the throat, noodle revolution is starting. 

      Salt, wheat and water.
      Salt, magnesium, and soy beans
      Salt in the water of our body.

      In the clay
      In the air, coming from the rivers of China
      Bringing odd numbers into a too regular structure.

      First reeds sprouts
      The earth trembled and water became black. As the underground was talking, expressing years and decades of stirring, of mixing; what circulated in clear channels before, parallel, all of a sudden met, chaos. The channel diameter probably changed. Millions of micro organisms became free in a bath, spreading all over the place, darkening the water and the skin, embedded in all the cracks, veins, pores, fibers.

      Come as the way, come for the way
      Mizu people
      Hands of water
      Reality is like a dream

      You shouldn’t think too much about the rules, otherwise you’ll miss the air

      The water is saturated in the blood
      internalized, not an object, it’s in you.

      Put the cut herbs clockwise in a bowl, with a slice of turnip in the back (the moon) and a slice of radish in the front (the sun).
      You’re now an adult.

      First rainbow

      Genta 8824
      in the field of stars

      Wheat grain contains 13% water. 
      Noodle also contains 13% of water.
      Some water gets in, some water dries out, humidity stays the same.

      Eating noodles is like eating water. Fluid as a river streaming down the throat, noodle revolution is starting. 

      Salt, wheat and water.
      Salt, magnesium, and soy beans
      Salt in the water of our body.

      In the clay
      In the air, coming from the rivers of China
      Bringing odd numbers into a too regular structure.

      First reeds sprouts
      The earth trembled and water became black. As the underground was talking, expressing years and decades of stirring, of mixing; what circulated in clear channels before, parallel, all of a sudden met, chaos. The channel diameter probably changed. Millions of micro organisms became free in a bath, spreading all over the place, darkening the water and the skin, embedded in all the cracks, veins, pores, fibers.

        .Come as the way, come for the way
        Mizu people
        Hands of water
        Reality is like a dream

        You shouldn’t think too much about the rules, otherwise you’ll miss the air

        The water is saturated in the blood
        internalized, not an object, it’s in you.

        Put the cut herbs clockwise in a bowl, with a slice of turnip in the back (the moon) and a slice of radish in the front (the sun).
        You’re now an adult.

        First rainbow

        Genta 8824
        in the field of stars

        Wheat grain contains 13% water. 
        Noodle also contains 13% of water.
        Some water gets in, some water dries out, humidity stays the same.

        Eating noodles is like eating water. Fluid as a river streaming down the throat, noodle revolution is starting. 

        Salt, wheat and water.
        Salt, magnesium, and soy beans
        Salt in the water of our body.

        In the clay
        In the air, coming from the rivers of China
        Bringing odd numbers into a too regular structure.

        First reeds sprouts
        The earth trembled and water became black. As the underground was talking, expressing years and decades of stirring, of mixing; what circulated in clear channels before, parallel, all of a sudden met, chaos. The channel diameter probably changed. Millions of micro organisms became free in a bath, spreading all over the place, darkening the water and the skin, embedded in all the cracks, veins, pores, fibers.